Environment360 founded a Pick-it sorting centre in Tema New Town to improve livelihoods of waste pickers and support an alternative waste collection system that supports Ghana’s Nationally Determined Contributions. The IKI Small Grants project strengthens the capacity of more than 300 waste pickers in the Tema New Town and surrounding areas to scale their businesses and independently operate at the Pick-It facility. This action increases the overall volume of recycled plastic, to reduce plastic that is illegally disposed or burned. Tema New Town is a densely populated coastal town with an e
stimated population of around 160,000 inhabitants. The IKI Small Grants project targets 30 waste-picker-leaders with direct training and support. Afterwards, the leaders train another 300 waste pickers and act as multiplicators. This results in an estimated amount of 5,000 residents who have access to improved collection services through Pick-It Waste pickers. The project focused on building the capacity of 30 waste picker leaders to increase their business capacity and strengthen their relationships with recyclers. Read more about the project in our Case Study
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